Christopher Crawford, C.H.E.K, SOMA, ELDOA, Manual Etiotherapist

About Christopher:

Christopher Crawford is a highly skilled and passionate professional in the field of holistic health and wellness, with a diverse range of certifications and extensive education in osteopathy, SOMA therapy SOMA training, ELDOA, and the C.H.E.K method. His commitment to continuous learning, including in-depth studies of fascial anatomy and dissection, has allowed him to provide a unique and comprehensive approach to healing and wellness for his clients.


Christopher Crawford is currently a student in an 8-year European/Canadian osteopathic program through Sunderland University in Montreal, where he is mentored by the worldrenowned osteopath, Guy Voyer. This extensive program has equipped him with in-depth knowledge of osteopathy and a profound understanding of the human body's intricate workings.

Certifications and Specialized Training:

  • SOMA Trainer/Instructor: Christopher is a certified SOMA Trainer/Instructor, bringing the benefits of this innovative movement and bodywork technique to his clients. SOMA helps restore balance and vitality to the body by addressing underlying structural issues.
  • SOMA Therapist/Instructor: In addition to being a therapist, Christopher is also an instructor, sharing his expertise with others and further enhancing his own understanding of SOMA therapy.
  • ELDOA Instructor: As a certified ELDOA instructor, Christopher specializes in teaching these specific exercises that improve the health and function of the spine and other joint structures. This expertise allows him to guide his clients towards optimal musculoskeletal health.
  • C.H.E.K Practitioner: Christopher is also a qualified C.H.E.K Practitioner, offering a holistic approach to health and wellness. He employs the principles of Corrective Holistic Exercise Kinesiology to address imbalances in the body and promote overall well-being.
  • Fascial Anatomy and Dissection:

    Christopher Crawford has a deep commitment to expanding his knowledge of the human body's fascial anatomy. To further this pursuit, he has engaged in dissection studies at the University of Colorado. This hands-on experience allows him to grasp the intricate relationships within the body, providing a more thorough understanding of how to facilitate healing and optimal function.

*Client-Centered Approach:*

With his extensive training and continuous pursuit of knowledge, Christopher Crawford is dedicated to providing a client-centered approach to health and wellness. He tailors his sessions to individual needs, using a blend of modalities to optimize each client's unique path to vitality and balance. Christopher Crawford's expertise, educational background, and dedication to ongoing learning make him a leading figure in the field of holistic health and wellness. He is committed to helping his clients achieve their health and wellness goals by fostering a deeper connection between mind, body, and spirit. His journey in osteopathy and related disciplines is a testament to his unwavering commitment to improving the lives of those he serves.